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Eye Crossword N0 787

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Matakari | 06:55 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

Good morning, help with the following would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

13a Mate, maybe the Treasury lacks acceptable, handy means of prediction (9): ????????Y
14a Some finger pointing – which gives an idea of our economic state? (9): ??R?C????
20a What the red-carded player did is untypical (4-5): ????????D
28a Boozer, at heart, represents this country (9): ????????A
7d Upset at Tories claiming Liam initially as "man of ideas" (9):A??????????E??
                      ( ARCHITECT )



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20a Left Field


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Thanks, netherfield! I've got 13, palmistry.

Question Author

7D anagram, ARISTOTLE.

14 Indicator

28 Australia

Question Author

Many thanks, NACW! The last three:

5d   Maybe Andy's shag alternative backfired (5) : R?Y?L
24d Archer's release: 'Stuff 'em!' (5) : S?A?T

Confirmation for this one:
21d Beastly complaint from former prominent socialist, Balls (7) : F?O?R?T 
               ( FOOT ROT )  




yes- foot rot

Question Author

Thanks, jazzyjen, I could not see the parsing for Royal and Shaft.

5d ROYAL - "Lay" and "or"


Glad we could help,Matakari.

Question Author

Thanks, NACW, I found this one quite interesting! I'm going to have a peep at this week's EV hoping it's also interesting.

Thanks,Matakari. In this week's EV, there are no extra words or letters, there are no misprints, there's no alphabetical ordering. The only, minor complication  is that there are clashes (described as 'disputes') in four cells. I found the puzzle to be great fun, and the clues are definitely well within your reach!

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Eye Crossword N0 787

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