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Dog Friendly Pubs - Providing A Service Or Ripping People Off?

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barry1010 | 16:29 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers

There was a time when dogs were welcome in bars, not the lounges, and they generally sat under the table or seat out enjoying the odd pork scratching or bit of cheese cob, not bothering anyone.

Now pubs advertise as 'dog friendly' and have 'doggy menus' offering a range of food and drinks such as paw star martini and bark bitter (non-alcoholic, obviously).  The menus I saw started at £6.50 for a 'doggy steak stew' and £3 for a drink.  I find it hard to believe anyone buys these for their dogs.  When we took our dogs out for verylong days hiking, we took tins of dog food, a tin opener and pre-used tin foil dishes that we threw away afterwards.  A bowl of water was enough.

Would you treat your dog to a meal out at a pub?



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Come on, you'd have to be barking.

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It was bad enough when the pubs started children's menus 😃

They need to try to stay in business. They serve human food to humans, why not offer pet good to pets ?


Yeah in Ye Olde Days there was a bar area and a lounge area. These days there's a dog friendly pub and a dogs barred one.

I do take the cherry to the battle but all he gets is a few scraps lobbed under the Cain.

If people choose to buy it they're not being ripped off.  Drinkers don't drink like they used to because it's so expensive so pubs have had to find other ways to stay in business.  That's why almost all of them serve food now.  I wouldn't buy doggie food in pubs for my dogs.  I prefer them to stick with what they're used to.

You can always sit outside. the dog doesnt seem to mind much

i bought my dog a "dog ice cream" at a cafe once on a super-hot day.  It was a block ofice with meat and veg frozen in.  He enjoyed it a lot and it cooledhim down.  i would not take my dog out for dinner though

I don't have a dog, but I witness this when I visit one of our seaside cafes who offer all of this stuff. Everyone, and I mean everyone, who visits with a dog buys a dog's sausage and treat. It's why they go there and the owner knows all of the dog customers better than he knows the humans. I don't think any of the humans feel ripped off, quite the opposite in fact. The dog walking trade is definitely a market to tap into. 

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There is a woman local to me who walks up to 7 dogs at a time. I don't know how she controls them all.  

I really can't see the point of people who take their dogs everywhere they go. As a result I've seen dogs being dragged through crowded Jumble/Boot sales looking very unhappy and getting jostled left right and centre. What next - will we have them in cinemas, concert halls, theatres, sports stadia, etc ?

If dog owners can't train/acclimatise their pets for solitary spells at home then they shouldn't have dogs in the first place.

Must go, I've got to take my pet fish round the supermarket.

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Dog Friendly Pubs - Providing A Service Or Ripping People Off?

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