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Telegraph 30 719

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sandyRoe | 17:37 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

23a Swimmer's position restricting current(6).

18d Line with Bad  Romance that could become mush(8).

26a Persuasive people mass in Gemini port(5).



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23a Plaice - 'place' (restricting) 'i' (elec. current)18d Cornmeal - anag 'l(ine) + romance'26a Admen - 'm(ass)' (in) 'Aden' (clue is "Yemeni port")
17:45 Mon 16th Sep 2024

23a Plaice - 'place' (restricting) 'i' (elec. current)
18d Cornmeal - anag 'l(ine) + romance'
26a Admen - 'm(ass)' (in) 'Aden' (clue is "Yemeni port")

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Telegraph 30 719

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