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Pillow Cases

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Hopkirk | 20:14 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

Be honest now


You haven't bought a pillow case for years, have you?


Those ones you are using are from before the turn of the millennium.



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Actuall bought six under ones and six top ones couple of months ago 

I usually make do but actually bout 2 pairs last week! 😆

"She who must be obeyed" bought some corduroy ones. They are making headlines. 

(Originally posted about 8 years ago. The oldies are the best.)


Probably about three years ago ............... what about you or Mrs. H?


I even found one with a school name tape ( 1960)

Sheets were about 20 y -  our little bottoms had worn thin the middle of sheets so my mother cut them in half langth ways and joined the edges together. Didnt work that well ( 1965)

Dining room curtains - I turned up the edges and found " Mile End Hospital, 1943" - never throw away

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Just us then?

I have some really cheap pillow cases (M&S).  They don't have a high thread count but they feel so cool to the face and I can't bear to chuck them out (I use them for camping)

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Calmck, no one buys under ones. You just demoted the others when they get a bit thin.

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... demote ...

about four new sets over the past ten years.

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Posh lad

Currently six in use, I don't always sleep in my bed crash in the living room a lot, so made sense to get some new ones at the same time.

My friend who worked for an antipodean airline in the 80's nicked some damasks sheets and pillow cases from the service trolley in the corridor at his hotel.  He rolled them up and stuck them in the legs of his jeans in his suitcase to hide them.  When he got back to Sydney, he was rummaged by Customs and they asked him why he had sheets in his trousers.  He said he had an allergy and he had to take his own sheets with him on trips.  He got away with it (luckily)

Funnily enough, I bought new ones last week. Colour coordinated to match my sheets.

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Sometimes the older very thin ones can be the most comfortable (as long as they were good quality when new)

Slips man, pillow slips!

Can't demote as they have a border and too much faff

I use three ( night sweats)

Calmk ...  I buy underneath ones too. Patterned on top matching the duvet, and a coordinated plain for under.

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