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We're all taking it up the Arsenal.

He could always consider paying for his own tickets, Three or four mates (or more probably hangers-on) and the same number of security plod:

Just £2.5k. I'm sure he could run to it. Anybody might think he was taking the public for fools. Surely not?  

Of course the other alternative is not to go at all. 

He has to go somewhere with a good view to test that his many pairs of freebie spectacles are up to scratch

he's probably right, security's an issue these days; and I'd say the same if it was Truss. He should buy his own clothes, though.

Between 16.8.20 and 25.5.23, Boris Johnson was given use of the Windsor Suite at Heathrow airport on thirty-one occasions and that added up to £60,060 in value. 

Maybe he could ask Sue Gray to lend him a few quid to cover the expense?

I don't particularly like the guy but tbh I don't think many other P.M's or politicians would have done any different when offered them.

If it was a tory MP or PM that had done this Starmer would have been calling on them to resign, and it seems it is not just him that gets these freebies from Lord Alli either.  It looks like it is half of his front bench and the Mayor of Greater Manchester get them too.

I dont have a problem with this, as jno says security probably is an issue. Over 60K fans and with with his popularity plumiting it would not be wise to have him "in the stands".

The bigger problem here is as shedman points out.  2TK spent years calling for Boris to resign over just about anything from walls of wallpaper to free holiday accomodation etc, then as soon as he gets inits suddenly ok.


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He's Doing It All For Us......what A Nice Chap.....

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