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Wateraid Cd 30/11

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vonjon | 20:34 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers


all names are shared with a flower

21. one of twin girls whose birthday is aug 15th, played on tv by christina (7,6)

24. gave her name to a hybrid rose in 1963 (6,6)

41. a skilled surfer with a passion for astrnomy who enjoys getting up early to watch the sunrise (5,5,5)

42. there are bright lights in her dazzling eyes (5,4)

53. has won world championships at the youth, junior and senior level of an athletic event (8,8,5)

any help appreciated




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53. Think Veronica Campbell Brown

21 petunia Larkin 

24. Violet Carson

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Wateraid Cd 30/11

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