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09A Commence (5) O?U?T

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poorclare | 08:59 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
15 Answers

Commence  (5)


Thanking you



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Onset ?

Start, if the O and U are wrong?

Question Author

Thank you,

I must be wrong with 

6d Shifty  (7)



6 Evasive?


commence is most likely to be start

GMA, great minds think alike (on those two clues anyway!)

Question Author

😀  Now that gives the letters  o?a?t


Yes, and fools seldom differ, as we see in News section daily

Where was your O from please as I'm pretty sure the answer will be Start

Question Author

😀 Am wondering if I am wrong with 5d Potential (8)  I have Probable.



Possible, possibly?

Question Author

Thank you my friends, 

that worked out as 

05d Possible

06d  Evasive  and

09a  Start.

Thank you 

Hope you have a nice day.


Glad we could help.

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09A Commence (5) O?U?T

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