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Friday Punt - 27 Sep 2024

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Ken4155 | 10:38 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | Other Sports
3 Answers

There is an ITV7 today consisting of 4 races from HQ (1st leg 1.50) and 3 from Happy Haddock. The jackpot is £10K.

If you're looking in, Maydup, how'd you get on with them yesterday at HQ?



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The going has decimated what were already small fields at both meetings in the '7' and it didn't take that long to make my selections. If truth be known, it took me longer deciding what the winning distance will be in the 3.35.

ITV7; Spiritual*, Storm Lady, Place Of Safety*, Nardra, Formal, Francisco's Piece and Ice Max*. £1 acca.

* denotes Trixie/Treble for a poss £168.

Best of luck, all

We had a good day thank you Ken, although no winners! 
The rain was biblical but there's something atmospheric about watching the weather from the stands at HQ. You can see the rain coming in from miles away. Very heavy going in the end but it's as tough there today as I expected. 

^^ should be- not as tough there today as I expected. 

Enough to put the crowds off though.

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Friday Punt - 27 Sep 2024

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