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Rosie's Resignation Letter In Full - Brutal

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ToraToraTora | 10:10 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | News
14 Answers

She's had the guts to say it and resign the whip, how many are thinking about following her example?



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TTT, there's a thread running on this directly below this one.  I'll close this and remove it shortly.

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Yes but this has the full letter and more details to discuss. Some of the things she says are worthy of at peast perusal on here. Thanks for leaving.

No problem.  

I think more will follow.

Hopefully quite a few of them will take note of this letter and maybe have a good think about what they really joined the party for.  Not good reading I think for Starmer and his mates.  Lets see if Gulliver and a few of the others let us know their thoughts on this.  

//I cannot put into words how angry I and my colleagues are at your total lack of understanding about how you have made us all appear.//


I wonder who her colleagues are?

she looks quite young for 53...

TTT, there's a thread running on this directly below this one

My dear late muvva used to love tidying up - so bank statements, ( air tickets once) bills, fo course used to end up in the " paper sack". First place to look if something was er ;lost'.

Thanks for the text - I hear a bit on the radio this am, and though the rest wd be good

Why did she choose not to vote against the decision to change who will receive the Winter Fuel Payment (WFP)when she had the chance?

greed of the few

I thought "avarice" came up somewhere

Why did she choose not to vote against the decision

Last straw - a case of " I cant do this again". I have had 'more or the same' and thought "no no, NOT more of the same, things will change"

yes i was cobsmacked a labour m.p with moral's..hat's off to her

Well done, Rosie! I hope the letter hits home and gives the PM something to think about apart from where is next suit is coming from.

His next suit could be a law suit

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Rosie's Resignation Letter In Full - Brutal

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