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Rte 41

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scooke | 11:38 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

13a mother of god a guiding light in a swell of squail or fog(4,2,3,3)???,o?,??e,?e?

14d got an opening for a better hop,went the fox on the trot(5)??n??

24d heres how theyd keep the home fires burning in Staffordshire(5)???k?



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24d Stoke


24D Stoke

14 Tango

13 Lady Of The sEa?

13 Star of the Sea

//The title "Star of the Sea" for Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a translation of the Latin title Stella Maris//

Thanks, elliemay1 - I am usually quite happy to be in ignorance of religious stuff, but it's sometimes useful in puzzles!

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Rte 41

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