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Good Morning Tuesday Birds!

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Smowball | 09:14 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

Another busy birthday week next week - I've got 4 to send cards or presents for. My middle son, my eldest sons gf, my daughters bf and a friend. I always always say I'm going to post things with plenty of time spare but end up leaving it last min, so am determined to get everything in post tomorrow lol. Mind you, the way postage costs are going nobody will be posting cards soon!

Very blowy here - and damp as usual. What a surprise lol! Luckily only have to nip out to post a couple of parcels so that won't take long.

Anyone up to anything today?



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Good morning Smow.
It's absolutely chucking it down here, has been for almost 48 hours now.
September is my bumper week for birthdays, none at all this month.
I really do need to go out and get a little shopping, the fridge is really bare. Maybe a little trip to the co op just down the road, we'll see how the day pans out.
Slept all through the night last night, didn't wake once according to my watch, I can't remember doing that since ....well I don't know when.
Have a good day, and stay dry if you can :)


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Morning ferlew.  Well I had dinner planned this eve, then just seen MrSmow packing a bag... erm, are you going anywhere I asked? Yes he said, I'm off to Newcastle  - I did tell you last week. 
Well he might have mentioned it last week but we sat watching tv all lastnight and he didn't utter a word about going away today....... looks like dinner for one again ; )

Raining cats and dogs here.  Mr U dropped me at hairdresser, and went off to the tip with another load.  On way back stopped of at friends Macmillan coffee morning, so many people wanting to chat, and let us know they would be visiting.

Waiting for a delivery of another 100 Metres bubblewrap so that we can get packing again.

Must order some flowers for my hairdresser as I have been with her 40 years.

Get that remote and the snacks ready smow!

After 2-3 days of murky wetness and high winds, I woke to bright sunshine. I have a Sainsbury's order this evening, but I don't know yet if anything is unavailable. I hope not!

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Good Morning Tuesday Birds!

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