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Spectator 2674

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FleshpotsOfDevon | 11:22 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

A clever jaunt from Lavatch this week,  and they certainly know how to increase one's vocabulary! ;) 



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yes they do but is there a word ulnera or ulnare - I can't find it in google - I need it to make 18 across a real (obscure) word

Quinol, your second option is correct...

...and is in Chambers, it's an adjective, from Ulna, a bone in the forearm.


PS I enjoyed this puzzle, it was good fun.

Nice puzzle. But I'm still cross that I failed to get the half of unclued lights last week: 1a, 5a, 17a, 29a, 35d, 36d in 2673. Ah well

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