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Kettering And District Samaritans Quiz Link Words Alphabetical Order (Closes 31St October )

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galasalmon | 15:30 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers

Help please.

5/ Line Back Snap (between c and D 

7/ Ear Less Leg ( between D and F 

11 / Deck Boat Hand between and H 

12/ Cross Short Piece between G and H 

15/ Up Age Inter between H and L 

Thank you .



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7 end

11 gun

5 chat

12 hand

15 Lock

15 Link

I am finding this quiz really hard. Can anyone help please with No.6 Can, Stud, Come (between Ch and En) and No.28 As, Coat, Pin (between Ti and Us).  Thank you.

28 Pin

28 Sorry. Meant to write under.

Thank you Romanski. Under is perfect. 

Question Author

6/ I have dies but more to get .


Galasalmon. I thought of dies but studies only has one 'd'. I have a few more to get as well. 

Bluebell56 there is apparently a Scottish word studdies, an alternative word for stithies-itself pretty obscure - meaning anvils or forges. But that seems to be so obscure as to be unfair, and also means that the link word goes at the end of the three given words, when usually at least one requires it to be at the beginning.

No.6. There has been an amendment and the question now reads. can ted come, so dies fits.

Question Author

Was just going to say on my sheet it is Can Ted and come .

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Kettering And District Samaritans Quiz Link Words Alphabetical Order (Closes 31St October )

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