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Genius Crossword N0 256

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Matakari | 09:32 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

Good morning, help with the following would be appreciated, thanks!

11a Spirit dispenser about to exist made of thin flexible glass (5-5) : ??L???????

14a Posh architect to stop coming over (3-2-3) : A???????

24a Most anxious hush after White City in turmoil (10) : ???T?H????

3d Lecture faculty for discerning noted works– roll up! (6) : ?A???L

(PREAMBLE: Each clue’s wordplay indicates an extra letter: these spell out an instruction. Following this will take the solver on a journey. However, the journey will quickly be thwarted in a couple of places. To resume it, the solver must change one letter each time. The journey will resume at pace until close to the end, when one final letter change will complete a release from 50 years ago this month. The original letters give a Homeric summary of its conclusion. Final entries are all real words or names.)



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well 14a is lah di dah  hadid architect and hal(t) back


I have just started this Matakari!

I think 11a is Fibre Optic, but cannot parse the fibre bit!

fire (spirit) about be with no e perhaps jj

Thanks quinol!

3d earful?

Quinol, yes to Twitchiest, an anagram (in turmoil) of the 'white city' and a usual 'hush'... with a letter dropped.

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Genius Crossword N0 256

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