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I Wish Shops Sold Inclination

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naomi24 | 12:47 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

I've so much I should be doing and so little inclination to do it.


Anyone else in my predicament?



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Yes.  My get up and go has got up and gone and I think my motivation may have slipped down the back of the sofa.  I don't know because I can't be bothered to look for it.

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I know the feeling.  And God knows where my enthusiam has gone.  Unless I threw it out with the dustmen this morning it must be around here somewhere.

no not on sale

I find the shop assistants are disinclined to serve or otherwise go near me

and when that occurs the under-20 yr old addresses me as Mate or Pal

I was just getting ready to go out...actually have the incentive today after days of rain. Suddenly realised my lounge had gone very dark. And now thunder ​​​​​​...and its getting closer. Damn.

I've been consumed by a total lack of motivation. The cat leaves fur bunnies and I really must hoover!

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You'll need elbow grease for that, Pasta.  I'd lend you some but.... now where did I put it?

Ahhhh, I've found a good trick to get your carpets really clean.  Firstly, I inherited an almost brand new hoover.  It is a g-tech K9 thing.  Mr BM turned his nose up in disgust at it when he saw it, but now he loves it.

Then I bought a new carpet cleaner.  Of course, it was a NEW SHINY MACHINE IN A BOX so Mr BM had to unpack it.  And then he had to try it.  So he did the hall, dining room and living room.  Now he is ever so precious about his clean carpets and runs the handy new hoover over them the minute he sees a fleck of dirt.  My carpets have never looked so good and so far I have not lifted a finger.

Sounds like your day is going similar to mine!

you can (sort of) buy inclination!

dont want to vacuum pasta - pay someone else to do it for you


Go to your doctor and ask for a cure for procrastination.

Mine hasn't worked for me yet but I'll persevere.

Would I need to pay Mr BM to hoover?

Can cats be trained to do housework?

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Don't know about cats but I'm trying to train two dogs with very fluffy waggy tails to wag them around the furniture more to help with the dusting.

I don't Pasta, but you will have to put up with his "Grumpy Old Man" moaning.

I want a sign to put up here that says "If you must write in the dust, please do not date it".

Why did you throw the dustmen out Naomi?

I had a full re-wire done almost 2 months back and, obviously, i have to redecorate. In some rooms it will just be a touch-up here and there, but the living room and kitchen both need re-decorating fully. 

Each weekend since the re-wire, i've said to myself, "I'll get cracking with that on Monday." Several Mondays have come and gone and still the decorating hasn't been done - not even started. But, this coming Monday, i intend to begin the task of putting that right.

To this end, i have been in town this morning and have bought the paint for the job. Now i have to do it!

the leaning tower of pisa is having clock installed .    no use if you have the inclination but have not got the time

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Oh good grief, Ken!  Don't tell me I've mislaid my faculties too!!  😂

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