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Azed 2,730

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JSoap | 11:23 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

2 answers which I can't quite work out.

21D source of river in Geneva. (6) Origin? Geneva is a Dutch gin?? 

23D larval excrement? With this it becomes pertness  (5) frass?  I know this is one of Azed's letter substitutions. FR as S but I can't sus it out.




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21 source is used twice

o(f) r(iver) i(n) Gin

Sass = pertness

swap fr for s = Frass (larval excrement)

Question Author

Thanks JJ109 for both answers. It's easy when you know the solution.

You're welcome, JSoap!

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Azed 2,730

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