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Ev 1664

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professorplum13 | 13:27 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

Wordplay in each clue yields an extra letter....

33a Deactivate surrounding nuclear discarded refuse (4)

possibly NILL (old word for refuse) U may be the extra letter ?

41a Chinese measure of biscuit taken from the east (4)

possibly KATI  ...with T for the extra?

Parses anyone?




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33a Yes, NILL - 'Deactivate' is (k)ILL.

41a Yes, KATI - it's in the clue (reversed) with an extra 't'.

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Thanks I had  a K first then thought that the 3rd word in the message from the extras could be sUblocations...obviously not!?

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Ah i see it now a 3 letter word then locations....

A 3 letter word comes before 'locations' (but no 'b').

You beat me to it!

Symmetry should help with the search, professorplum (I hadn't heard of any of them before today).

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Ev 1664

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