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Financial Ombudsman

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CW1 | 18:18 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | Business & Finance
2 Answers


I sent quite a complicated complaint to an investment company in April. I've had no meaningful response, just 4 weekly "we need more time" emails, last one on 13 September.


I contacted the Ombudsman 10 days later & did receive a request, from an individual, for more info, which I sent. Their automated reply email basically says if you don't hear from them in 7 days, they can't help. I've not heard from them since.

Has anyone come across this before ? 

I'll email them again tomorrow (being 14 days since I've heard from them) but, as it stands, I don't know if the individual who contacted me is my "complaint handler" or if, indeed, they can't help. If they can't, where do I go from here ?

I can be patient if need be - I think I have ! It's the not knowing.



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Try a phone call to 0800 023 4567:

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Yeah, I saw that in the email, Buenchico, thanks. To call

"if you’re experiencing serious financial or health problems"

Guess I'll try emailing again & take it from there. 

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Financial Ombudsman

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