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Local Animal Quiz

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Ripper | 10:01 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

The answer has an animal in it. i.e. the winged feathered creature and a soft mass of tissue in the head =Bird Brain.      Sausages cooked in batter (one word)   Snob monkey uses questionable methods perhaps (two words)    Thanks in advance



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1 toad (in the hole)

Monkey business springs to mind, but it's already half there.

Question Author

Yes, I thought TOAD.   Not sure about monkey business 'cos there is no refence to 'snob'

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I meant reference!

Any ideas on the 'monkey' question?

Question Author

Fishy?.................... suspect?........... are my only thoughts, it's the snob that I'm stuck on.  All the other answers have been reasonable straight forward. I tried (but failed) to find an anagram, especially as it say's 'perhaps' in the clue which often indicates an anagram. Hope all this rambling makes sense!

I was trying to get 'weasel' into the answer in some way!

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weasel is a good idea.

Money Spider ?

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Local Animal Quiz

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