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Ev 1664 Help Please

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quinol | 10:03 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

doubt I'll finish, but would really appreciate help with these 3; (extra letter not needed in all these)

1a fancy chum at cabal offering underground wine cellar: cat-c---a- (clearly an anagram, but...

14a scots insisted on it with nobleman held back by grip: tip-----

35a organ boxed in behind the scenes to become less convincing (2 words) n--t---w

(all or any of these could be reversed)



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1a Anagram of 'chum at cabal' with an H left over

14a is thematic, so not entered in the normal way

35 Wear Thin, become less convincing. 

14 Threepit

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many thanks cloverjo and neveracrossword - now I can throw in the towel content, though still wondering about the turkish sailors

Galiongees reversed

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Ev 1664 Help Please

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