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Eating Out Alone

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barry1010 | 07:56 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

I'm happy enough to eat alone in a pub, café or hotel restaurant but would be reluctant to do so in a high end restaurant.

I'm fine with my own company but wouldn't know where to look if I were not next to a window nor how to occupy myself waiting to be served. 

I don't think twice about reading a paper or book, doing a crossword or looking at my phone in a pub or café - but not in a posh restaurant.

Do you enjoy eating alone in those circumstances?




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I've never been in those circumstances.

You're not Mr Bean are you barry?


Most "fine dining" is usually an evening affair & eating late upsets my digestion. If I'm eating out it's usually a lunch, often alone.

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I'm quite partial to steak tartare if it's cooked right. 😊

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I quite enjoy the occasional pub lunch on my own. I used to enjoy a full English in a greasy spoon, too.

I often eat out alone both in the UK and abroad on Holiday. I used to be concerned about asking for a Table for 1 but it doesn't bother me now. Once you accept that other diners have absolutely no interest in you or the fact that you are eating alone, it makes it more comfortable and relaxing. 

Also in my experience it is becoming more common now to see people eating alone. 

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emeritus, where do you look when you are eating alone? That's what bothers me

I'd prefer to pull my finger nails out then pay three times as much for whatever food they served up in front of me, not to mention vat. As for a bog standard cafe a defo no no, they have little or no idea how to cook unless it involves a frying pan and a lump secondhand lard. :•) 

My local pub - just run-of-the-mill - is advertising 3 course xmas day dinner at £58.99. Think I'll give it a miss.

I don't like eating out alone in restaurants or pubs.

If I'm on the move alone I take sandwiches and eat them, perhaps sitting on a bench watching the world go by. Much more areeable and I know what I'm eating.

"I'm quite partial to steak tartare if it's cooked right. 😊"

I'm very partial to that, barry.

I ordered it in France once, in a restaurant in St Omer. The waiter called another member of staff over to ask if I was sure that's what I wanted. I said I was. A few minutes later the manager appeared:

"Monsieur, do you know what "steak tartare" is?"

To be polite, I replied in my best French that I was aware it was raw beef.

He apologised for his intrusion but explained they had so many English customers ordering it and then being appaled when a plate of raw mince was put in front of them.

My niece (aged about fourteen at the time) was appalled and made out it would put her off her dinner. She was even more appalled when it arrived - as it often does in France - with a raw egg in an open eggshell seated in the middle.  🤣

I eat everywhere alone Barry, I'm in Turkey at present. I wouldn't have done when I was younger though. Remember everyone has to eat x

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I wondered if anyone would pick me up on that, Barmaid 😂

tamaris, do you ever in eat in high end restaurants on your own? I'm fine in pubs and cafés, chain restaurants, but I'd be uncomfortable with silver service, a hushed atmosphere if I were alone.

I've not ate alone in a posh restaurant for years, but when I did I'd take a book.

Probably the modern day equivalent would be to take a phone or tablet.

We had steak tartare in Switzerland a couple of months back (Sierre, in the French Canton - recommended ! - & where Rilke wrote the Duino Elegies). It's rather a speciality there, & seems to be on all restaurant menus.

Has the judge changed occupations: and gender ?

That's what eating raw steak does to you, OG!  🤣

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Eating Out Alone

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