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ebeohp | 16:50 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
13 Answers

8A. Leave sailor to reverse a difficult situation(7) ---T-A-

4D. It's oftenunused after the match (6,4) ---D-N,-A-E

22A. Turn against one splitting party from the beginning(2,4) 


Explanations please.

Many thanks in advance



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de bono?

Not really sure why apart from DO  with one  plus aB from somewhere!

4 Maiden name

8 Rat trap

It's a rat trap....

D-e no-v-o

8 is Leave = PART 

Sailor = TAR

both then reversed

de tono

22a de novo. Do = party, v = against, eno = one 'turned'.


denovo is better  .... v from versus/against


One = ONE

both reversed (turned), inside DO= PartyAgainst = V(ersus)

Think I messed my typing up there!

I don't get your 'both' bit Captain but I agree with the rest... ONE reversed and V in DO.

The definition is anew/from the beginning

Sorry Captain- I hadn't seen your 17:01.

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