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Eye Crossword N0 790

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Matakari | 19:35 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Good evening, I’m stuck on the following for which I seek help, thanks!
14a Dick's short rule Mark overturned (6) : W?D?E?
27a Bloomers inspire minors with dread, you might say (7) : E?C?I?S
29a Secretary of State, yet dithering about check (6) : T?E?T?



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27 Orchids, sounds like awe kids

That's 27a if your E is wrong. Orchids sounds like Awe Kids. Just a suggestion- you're a much more experienced crucverbalist than I am.

14 ***, reg dot reversed 

29 Yvette (Cooper) anag yet around vet (check)

T o d g e r

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Many thanks, scorpiojo and newmodarmy, I just got 27 and 29 after correcting 14d. Grateful for the parsing!

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Eye Crossword N0 790

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