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Would You Rather?

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kora194 | 01:13 Sun 27th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
10 Answers

Eat steak tartare or beef carpaccio, or "ew no thank you, I'd rather eat something else that's cooked? 



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I wouldn't eat raw meat or raw fish.
10:33 Sun 27th Oct 2024
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For me it would be "ew, no thank you, I'd rather eat something that's cooked."

I don't mind trying things, but those are the sort of things I'm unlikely to, as I couldn't be bothered to do it for myself,  and wouldn't waste the price of a meal ordering in a restaurant only to try and then not want it. Too risky.

I like the raw beef. I'd happily eat it.

I would say "No thank you, I don't eat dead flesh, whether cooked or uncooked".

Steak tartare is is raw fish in sushi. 😋 

I wouldn't eat raw meat or raw fish.

How did Homo habilis fare before they discovered fire 

Or did they just survive on berries ?



I regard eating raw flesh as very risky although I have eaten sushi occasionally.

I've just had sushi and a Japanese take on steak tartar...all very delicious. 

Beef carpaccio is delicious, as is raw fish. I am quite content when eating either of those.

I am rather partial to ceviche and look forward to visiting Peru one day to savour some of the best.

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