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Not long enough.

I agree Alba.   Life should mean life.  

Be better if they were transferred to a Pakistani prison to serve their full sentences.

There's a good chance that he, at 43 now, will die in prison before his estimated release date.

She, however, stands an equally good chance of still being alive when her release date arrives.

With a bit of luck, they'll both top themselves in due course.

No way is that long enough.

Meanwhile Surrey County Council's Childrens Services remain free to commit more blunders. Heads should roll IMHO.

Never mind. This will sort it out:

“If this bill is passed, local authorities would be responsible for a register of home schooled children…”

So they’ll have a list of children who are allegedly being educated at home. 

In this tragic case, the child was at school when the authorities were alerted of her possible abuse. The school was particularly concerned that the ten year old had suddenly taken to wearing a scarf which covered her head and most of her face, suspecting it may be hiding injuries. This was especially of concern because they had previously noticed bruises on her face.

The local authority opened a case, they saw neither the child nor her parents and closed the case six days later due to lack of evidence (unsurprising since they seemed not to look very hard for any).

Shortly after this “enquiry” her father removed her from school. Five months later she was dead.

How will keeping a list of home-schooled children cure this? They couldn’t protect the child when she was at school. That’s hardly likely to change just because her name is on a list. Still, “something must be done”. And that’s something.

Shouldnt we be celebrating the diversity that these two murderers brought to the UK?

I hope the *** serve every last minute of those sentences with plenty of "accidents" during that time.

Should never see the light of day again. Why can't they just say life, end of, with no minimum term? He claimed he was "legally punishing" her, yeah with a cricket bat and iron bar! beggars belief.

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Harrowing Case.

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