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Please help with 62 across.Clue is: Mobile pack shoved into Rod for a treat.7 letters.I have ???C?K?. Many thanks.  
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Please help with 27 across..Clue is: Climber needs to **** (slang word for urinate) into runny paste 5,3 letters.I have ???E?     ??A.                            Many... ...
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6a There's nothing positive about being charged with what GOP managed to do in Nov 1979   ?L?????? 11a Rebuke aftersome of fancy food is measured ????B?R??? 57d One prevents underworld character'... ...
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Visited [?e?n] to     Thank you 
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Please help with 28 down.Clue is:eg John Lennon's look at drink 7 letters. I have ??R????.Many thanks.
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A man points to a picture on a wall and says who is it  ..he says "brothers and sisters I have none . But that man's father is my father's son  ".who is in the picture ?
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King Brian's tender no more? (5)  ?r???   no idea.....!
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11a. Ho-ho, Christmas colic diagnosed for such an addic(10)????o?o?i? 1d. A blow we know from Mother Nature, that'll go hand in glove with heaven above(3,2,3)no letters  25/18a. Beached with a ball... ...
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8d Full, but sick(8)T?O?O?G?. Thorough?
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A musical reference of sorts - a title of a piece of music probably with the following letters:-        O ?a???n???m
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Brighton and Hove perhaps? (7) ????R?S
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The French to get the bill in a Glasgow bar (5) L???N
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Right about Dubonnet I drunk to put on the rocks (3,4,4) ??N  ???O ????
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I get mad with IT complex still (9) M????????
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Egyptian dancer in Spain and Germany once? (9) A??????
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4dn: Row about taking second exam for failures, perhaps (5) I have r?n?i Help please
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13dn: The man of 1980 is dead keen on freedom from war (5,5) I have ?a?i? peace Help please
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24a. Nasty ones on line? Lots left and right out of line. (6) T?O???. 66a. Dracula's sounding home in his bed, for the day anyway! (6) ?????N. 73a. But here's where there's cold turkey... ...
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18a US sp. for strengths; abilities  V?G?R? Thank you all in advance
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1dn:Peter Shaffer and Friedrich Engels debut pieces (4)and 17ac:Sandman who runs finance stores close to Iving (5) and 18ac: One embarrassed about crossing the lake to see Tom Sawyer (5) Help please

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