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Am In So Much Pain. Is It Because I'm A Drunk?

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nailedit | 21:23 Mon 30th Dec 2024 | Body & Soul
26 Answers

I posted last week that I had twice been in A&E with pain under my right rib cage. Both times (after a CT scan and an x-ray) found nothing, I was sent home with a prescription for co codomol.


If I try to be still its not too bad but im in a lot of pain when moving. Its getting worse. Im in a lot of pain to the point where I can't sleep. People tell me to go to my GP but what for if A&E can't find anything?


Im in bloody agony here but no point in calling 999 or 101 again. All gets puts down to drink. Without ever explaing exactly how.


I am in some serious pain....

I try to make lite of stuff as a distraction but I am serously worried at the moment.



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Nails this sounds to me like gall bladder stones. Been there    ...  agony. 

Is it in one particular place? Obviously it could be a referred pain, hope it settles for you!

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They would have been picked up on a scan Togo I'm sure.

This is under my ribs. Hard to breathe.

Its scaring me now.

Maybe try controlling yourself and not going off the deep end when things are being explained like you do on here.

And stop drinking.


Looking at all the options you have been trying, I can't offer any other advice, but for what it's worth you do have my hearttfelt sympathy and I hope you can find a way of resolving it quickly.

hi, are you taking th co-codamol as prescribed - both in amount and frequency?  what strngth are they?  I woud imagine that  reluctance to give you stronger meds are as you already have an addiction, they dont want to gove you another one.  TheGP can precribe stronger painkilers

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//Nails this sounds to me like gall bladder stones. Been there    ...  agony. //

Feels more like ribs tbh Togo.

//Is it in one particular place?//

Just under my right ribs...


//And stop drinking//

Blimey. Never thought of that you mastermind!!!






Happy to help.

Could it be muscle strain or a torn muscle? Can you pinpoint when it started...anything happened that could cause it?

This â€‹â€‹might be helpful.

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You have a good new year Douglas.

Brass me off sometimes but I do enjoy ur humour 😂

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If the hospital can't diagnosis it, Ican't see how I can....


naildit : //Im in bloody agony here but no point in calling 999 or 101 again. All gets puts down to drink. Without ever explaing exactly how.//

I have suggested on another of your threads that it it could be trapped wind brought about by all the carbon dioxide you are taking in from canned lagers & beers etc.

It can be avoided by decanting the can or bottle into a large jug and allowing the gas to escape before you drink it.;source=hp&;ei=QR1zZ9KgD9_-7_UPn6yhsAU&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZ3MrUbeXsTJhQwO1uClQQ80zRiF11Tda&oq=pain+from+trapped+wind&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IhZwYWluIGZyb20gdHJhcHBlZCB3aW5kKgIIATIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB5I2Y0BUABYplNwAXgAkAEAmAGYAaABzhGqAQQxNy42uAEByAEA-AEBmAIYoAKNFMICCxAuGIAEGNEDGMcBwgIFEC4YgATCAggQABiABBjJA8ICDhAuGIAEGJIDGMcBGK8BwgIHEC4YgAQYDcICBxAAGIAEGA2YAwCSBwQ0LjIwoAfXvgE&;sclient=gws-wiz


I have a hernia in the same area. When it pops out the pain is unreal. 

Have you tried a hot water bottle and Diclofenac Gel applied locally, in addition to oral analgesia? 

After I posted my link last night, I realised why it rang a bell. My ex experienced the same thing many years ago...he ended up in A&E also. Unfortunately I don't remember the specific treatment.

This will sound odd, Nailedit, but have you had a slipped disc?  Without sending me for tests my GP diagnosed a trapped nerve in my spine between my shoulder blades and sent me for physio.  I subsequently discovered through scans that I should never have had physio because it was a slipped disc.  The outcome is permanent nerve damage in my spine and permanent pain in my ribs.  The consultant said if I didn't breathe it wouldn't hurt. Funny man!  ðŸ˜‚


Just a thought.  I hope you get an answer soon and get it sorted.

Does it get worse when you have eaten something with a high fat content?

Has there been any change in your 'toilet habits'? Colour and consistency can be an indicator of gall-bladder problems.

I had dreadful problems with mine and was in and out of A&E like a yo-yo.

I was given an ultrasound scan by a trainee who was being closely supervised by a more senior sonographer. As a result I was really thoroughly examined. No gallstones were present. However, on turning onto my side the senior chap noticed 'something' ripple inside my gall-bladder and I was, finally, diagnosed with 'gall-sludge'; basically, the stuff that you find at the bottom of a well-used just hadn't formed into stones.

Get yourself back to A&E and ask for an ultrasound where you can move rather than a CT Scan where you have to stay still.

Best of luck and good wishes for 2025.

Question Author

Apologies for late reply but thank you to all that have taken the time to respond.


I'm pretty sure that its not trapped wind,

slipped disc, or eating something.

Its constant pain.


If I go to my doctors, just what is he going to do?

If x-rays and CT scans whilst in A&E arnt showing anything and they send me home with a script for pain relief that never touched it for the 2 times that Ive been in there, then what?


Anyone that presents at A&E with a drink or drug problem, then straight away any sympton of illness or pain is put down to that problem.

The first doctor that I saw was absolutely obnoxious. Everything was "probably" caused by my drink problem.

The second time, the doctor (a young one) was more sympathetic and prescribed meds but still non the wiser.


Thanks anyway for replies.


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Actually, I'm more concerned about catching the scroat in my shooting gun 2 thread at the moment than I am about this.

Pain will pass, but nut cases will always be here....

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