News3 mins ago
Very Bad Form
Novak Djokovic had to retire after one set of his semi-final in the Aussie Open. He was clearly injured in his quarter-final threee days ago when he soldiered on to beat Alcaraz and did his best to overcome his injury.
He has been an excellent sportsman throughout his long and record-breaking career, which now seems to be drawing to a close. Did he really deserve to be booed off court? I consider it very poor form.
The Djokoman is a very much maligned sportsman. One can understand the crowd being disappointed they only got to see one set, but to boo the greatet ever tennis player (imho) off the court just shows their ignorance. They ought to be grateful to have seen him play at all.
He fought through the pain against Alcaraz and, despite not being able to train during the 2 days between matches, he hoped he could do the same. Unfortunately after a gruelling 82 minute first set, he could not continue.
I'm 100% with ladybirder, here. It will be a sad day for the sport when he has to hang up his rackets. The man is peerless.
Djoko has won the Aussie Open 10 times. on two of those occasions, he did so despite not being 100% - once with an abdominal tear, and the other with a torn hamstring. So of course he was going to at least try and play the match.
As regards those who travelled to the match, would they not have been allowed to watch the other semi final? If they were fans of Djoko, they will understand why he retired. If they're not fans of Djoko, they probably wanted him to lose. And he did, so why boo?
In answer to the OP, no he didn't. He was injured FGS. The spectators wanted to see a match for their money and that was all that mattered to them, not anyones' welfare.
No-one can argue with Djokovics'record. He's been one of the best ever. But not THE best. That accolade can only go to one man, in my opinion, and that is Rod Laver, who won the Grand Slam in the same season on two occasions, in the days of wooden racquets. No-one since has ever done it in one season, never mind two! 😊
Thanks everybody. Some interesting (and contrasting) points of view.
Novak very clearly was crocked and did his best. I can understand the frustration of the spectators. But there’s always a risk when you pay to watch sporting events that your enjoyment will be curtailed for various reasons. If he had withdrawn before the match they would have seen nothing of him (or anybody else in his place) at all. I just think it was very poor to boo him off court in those circumstances, regardless of his previous “form” with the Aussie authorities.
Lots of candidates for BA but it goes to 10CS. Off-topic, but like him, I think Rodney George Laver is the finest all round tennis player I have seen. It should also be remembered that his two Grand Slams were achieved seven years apart – once as an amateur and again as a professional when the sport went open. Professional tennis did not get much coverage in hose intervening years and I feel sure he would have achieved even more Slam titles in between. Comparisons between generations are always difficult because of developments in equipment and fitness but the game has changed and Laver’s serve & volley game would present many modern players with considerable difficulties.