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cardinal richelieu

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Del424 | 20:47 Mon 20th Nov 2006 | Arts & Literature
4 Answers
Are there any fans of Alexandre Dumas out there who can help not only me but seemingly dozens of of quizmailers who are similarly all googled out. I have spent hours in two libraries but still I am shy of an answer. Alexandre Dumas apparently described Cardinal Richelieu as 'wearing a cap, as cardinal's do, similar to a _______. We need the word to complete the aquotation which is apparently the name applied to a type of skullcap as mainly worn by the Roman Catholic clergy. We have less than 24 hours! Thank you in anticipation.


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A calotte?
Hope this helps
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Thank you both for your suggestions they are very much appreciated. I took one of your suggestions with a slight twist to indicate italian origins (didn't tell you that bit); all are good answers. Regrettably though, without finding the quotation my answer could only be a guess. Thanks again.
I know this is late but you really need the quote as it is similar to, not necessaryily the name of ,a cardinal s cap. therefore it could have been similar to a candlestick or a pork chop or dogs a**e.

Sorry not able to help. J

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cardinal richelieu

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