This is a new quiz, found at It has been updated and now has 666 questions as well as a few changes to the original 500.
Please could you help with some of the questions?
292 - Crystalline water ice guard
369 - Gang affiliated repetition of identical or similar sounds
501 - Joy
508 - Capital punishment
510 - Special letter quality
516 - Dutch masters
518 - Simpsons
520 - Sharp bends
521 - Tea party venue
522 - Brewed in Bremen
528 - Tittle-tattle
529 - Gamblers bereavement
530 - Come to blows
533 - Absent from the pitch
535 - Chocolate sweets
536 - Mother curry
537 - Complete
538 - Spanish thank you for Smith's Wealth of Nations
I have more to get but I will only post these ones for now.
Thanks for any help.