Have always done the Saturday crossword but have just started with the dailies and I am struggling!! Any help please would be much appreciated. 23a. A strict Cairo practice belonging to the privileged(12). Many thanx
The DT has 5 setters who each compile a puzzle for the same day each week. Traditionally the Monday one is the easiest and Wednesday the hardest.
The Saturday and Sunday puzzles are compiled on a rotational basis but Sunday's is always the trickiest and some say with the dodgiest clues!
Oh Lordy! I found Monday's really hard!!!
I shall have to start boffing up. My hubby bought me Sandy Balfour's book 'Pretty Girl In Crimson Rose (8)' - I think I need to re-read it!
The more you do the easier they get. I find Saturday's cryptic one of the easiest of the week and I really struggle with Wednesday's but some days it's my brain that's not working properly, not the clues. I never do the Sunday cryptic as I find the clues inscrutable most of the time but I love the Sunday GK.
Keep practising. You'll get there and with this site to help with the really tricky ones you can't go far wrong!