I need help, please! This crossword had a Scottish theme which was ski centres Glenshee, The Lecht, etc. A final anagram of shaded letters in the crossword has to be solved and these letters are STICENRTRES (11 letters). Anagram to the theme can be one word or more. At first I did think it was ski centres but does not fit.
JMR: I have gone over and over the clues and my answers and all seem correct! I suppose if it was the name of another ski-ing area, it would not show up in an Aagram Solver? It looks so like Ski Centres (only ten letters) that I am now wondering if magazine has made a mistake?
Thank you for your assistance.
There's a good anagram site called utsire (just put that word into Google and it will come up -sorry, I don't know how to cut and paste) - if you type letters into the utsire facility it will also provide proper names. However, when I typed in your letters, nothing came up. I also checked ski Scotland but got nowhere. It's so annoying when you've done a lot of work and can't quite finish.
JMR - No luck, I am afraid. It could be a two or three worded anagram but still not coming up with anything.
I'll just have to check September issue - will try to remember to post answer to you on site.
JMR27 - I did check my letters over for the hundreth time and spotted that an answer I had put as "sprint" should really be "streak" thus giving me the "k" for ski centres BUT
there is still an "r" left over so presume it is a mistake by compiler.
Apologies for wasting your time!!
Hi Hazlinny - glad to hear you've sorted it out. I've done the same many a time - convinced my answers are correct and then find a silly mistake hours later!