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Spectator 1835 (Chefs)

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cruciverbali | 09:11 Thu 04th Oct 2007 | Crosswords
9 Answers
With the looming Postal Strike this would be a good one to look at as the closing date is 18 days away !

Spectator 1835



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I have just handed my entry to the Postman but goodness knows when it will reach the Spectator offices.

Regards K
Question Author
I certainly wouldn't bother posting any with closing dates next week now - you should be fine with this and last week's Spectator though

Many thanks for the link cruciverbali, last week's puzzle was enjoyable ... will have a go at this one later (S)
1834 was my first attempt at the Spectator. Having solved all the given clues, I am still in the dark concerning the "unclued lights". Am I right in thinking that they are all linked? Because my efforts do not seem to be linked at all.

T o Aquagility

The 9 letter unclued light is the name of the. magazine. The others are formed from elements ( i.e. letters ) from that word.

Thanks, novalis. I'd gathered that, but the words I come up with don't have any relationship to each other.
For example 43a must be (I think) the name of a gland, or an Australian town. But I can't see to find any other glands, or towns. Am I making too much of this relationship?
Aquagility, I haven't completed it yet (having only just started it today) but as novalis says, the missing words are made up from letters of one word of the title, but the words themselves otherwise have no relationship.

OK, thanks, ulysses. Not surprising that I could not find a relationship!
Question Author
Although the closing date is still 22 October, e-mailed solutions will be accepted for this one and No. 1836 (see 0.pdf)


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Spectator 1835 (Chefs)

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