New Quiz Sweets and Chocolate in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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New Quiz Sweets and Chocolate

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jodder | 21:37 Sun 14th Oct 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
This quiz is to raise money for Alder Hey Childrens Hospital Imagine Appeal. 50 questions about sweets and chocolate. Quiz available price 50p + SAE {no stamps}
from Mrs I Billington, Sandbach High School & Sixth Form College, Middlewich Road Sandbach Cheshire CW11 3NT. Cheques should be made payable to Alder Hey Childrens Hospital Imagine Appeal.
Closing date for the quiz is December 14th and the prize is a �10 voucher. Thank you for your support.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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will certainly send for this although i dont have a sweet tooth good luck with the fundraising
does it follow on from a quiz?
If so what was theme of last one then I can check if put money in for new one
Question Author
No it doesnt follow on. The last one from school was The Real quiz so if you havnt yet sent in your answers you could send for it then but we have decided to keep them all separate as they have been for different fund raising efforts.
Sorry if that inconvieniences you and I know it adds to the postage but the closing dates for these two are very close together. I'm not planning another one for a while but you never know, I wasn't really planning this one but I was asked so nicely!!!
Thats OK - thanks for letting me know

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