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Can you solve these clues?

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jayellell | 22:02 Fri 28th Mar 2008 | Crosswords
3 Answers
Only two more to get!

1. Donald's final rest. - 8 letters
2. "The Body's" Lake. - 9 letters

Both answers are place names in Great Britain.


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1 Coniston ? I think that's where they finally laid Donald Campbell to rest after recovering his body from the lake
1 is definitely Coniston, where Donald Campbell died.

2, dunno about Britain, but Elle McPherson is, I believe, known as the body.
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Thanks shaneystar. I did think of coniston as Donald Campbell was the only one I could think of apart from Donald Duck!!!!! It just happens that I live not far away from Coniston.
Thanks also to postdog. your info has given me the answer. It's "Ellesmere"

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