Quizmonster posted this last Thursday:
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Quizzes-and-Puz zles/Crosswords/Question600045.html Well, well! The following just arrived from AbEd...
"I don't think answers to the Listener should be posted on
the AnswerBank and I get the impression many people would tend to agree. However, having said that this would be an extremely difficult task to 'police' for want of a better word!
Let me know your thoughts and I will post in Q and P either later today or tomorrow with a final decision. I am still conversing with the guy who sent the original email and he feels it is best to avoid posting any answer on AB
prior to the submission deadline date...it will take a team effort to moderate this though!"
I looked but could not see such a post from the AB Editor with a "final decision"
Did I miss it?