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sat times jumbo 770 crptic

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meabby | 22:30 Sat 09th Aug 2008 | Crosswords
11 Answers
please can someone give me a hand to get started....?


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Not everyone takes the Times, so we don't know what the clues etc are.
If you post some clues with the number of letters, I am sure lots of people will try to help you.
Hi meabby - where?

1a - A 'work' is a book by the same author mentioned in 46a...

You say which ones you'd like - I don't want to spoil it for you! :-)
Hello again, your majesty!
24a. To all intents and purposes.
Grinning hugely...

M'ladyalex, always a pleasure, never a business!
We must stop meeting on other people's threads... :-))

Sorry meabby...
Question Author
thanks - i think - what is 46 across? "blair's work to maintain plant as standard?" (4,3,610,6)

I'm still not getting very far!


46a Keep the Aspidistra Flying (Eric Blair, real name of George Orwell)
keep the aspidistra flying
Sorry Lie-in king, didn't refresh.
I do that (or not!?) all the time :-)
Question Author
thanks everyone - will be back later for more help....

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sat times jumbo 770 crptic

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