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i also find that a lot of older peole have an attitude and think the world owes them a living
I have read this again and I think you are over-generalising, I think you will find the majority of old people are considerate and polite, and accept what little is given to them in the twilight of their lives.
And although I have not over-generalised regarding the young, I think you will find that it is mainly the younger generation who think the world owes them a living.
The pensioner doesn't expect anything they have not contributed towards, even their measly pension they receive they have worked all there lives for. Yet large groups of the young, although they have never gone to work, expect the rest of us to pay towards them and the products of their sexual activity.
I don't know how old you are but if you are young, your parents have most likely spent a large part of their lives protecting you and looking after you until you could look after yourself.
Their parents also went without during the austere post war years, so as to look after your parents. No welfare state yet.
And finally your great grand parents, well we all know what sacrifices they made during WW2. So please don't tell me we think the world owes us a living, it does.
Incidently if you had been that young woman would you have walked round me?
And if your own old persons had need of your help would you help them?
If the answers are yes, then you can't be all bad.