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Generous old soldier

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Bbbananas | 17:02 Mon 10th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
It warmed me cockles at the weekend to read of 88 year old war veteran & chelsea pensioner Sam Weekes. He won �77,777 or thereabouts on the scratchcards last year. He kept the 777 for himself - to indulge his love of betting on the horses, Guinness & his whiskey - and gave the �77,000 away to charity. He says he didn't need it (he also chose to keep his win secret from his daughters, saying they "liked money too much!!"

Bless him. I supose at that age he is quite content with his lot - but it was a wonderful thing to do. Apparently the news only came out this year at some tribute dinner.

I wonder what his daughters thought?!!!
I would be proud if he were my old man. Slightly gutted perhaps, but proud.


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Oh yes. And I do it quickly and do it well.

So quickly and well that I have time to put my tuppence-worth on here.

dont think i would have been that proud, he could have given his family something!!!
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Good for you posting that salla! What a lovely thing for the old soldier to do!

There are so many greedy people out there, waiting for oldies to pop off, just to get their hands on their money!

I've seen it happen with a couple of my relatives! Never visited whilst the person/s were alive, but were there the minute the person/s took their last breath.

Shame on them!
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They're probably horrible old cows & this is payback time before he pops his clogs.

I think it was nice.
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Stop nitpicking n.k!
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you're right - I'm absolautely cr@p at my sums.
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used to be good at spelling though - however it has been a long day & I'm trying to get my last word in before I leave for home.
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are you saying I've got too much to say for myself no.know?

I have to get it all in Mon to Fri weekdays because I have a life outside of here, and don't have time to, and refuse to, come on here at nights or weekends.
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Bitter old git.

To win that amount of money and not keep it in the family bespeaks domestic problems. Imagine you have two daughters, �77,000 is potentially life-changing.
Yeah, but who cares n.k?

Chatterbank is here for anyone to post (well within reason)!

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If I post so much then no.know, how come I have never been banned for overposting?

Because I only post mon to fri workhours. Because I do have a life outside of work and I refuse to come on here at nights or weekends - Because I have other things to do I'm pleased to say.

I don't think I post on here any more than anyone else?
Is there a limit I am exceeding then? Oh dear.

Going home now anyway you will be pleased to hear. My verbal diarrhoea has dried up for the day.
Ignore it salla & safe journey home.
Question Author
Thank you smudge.
I am hurt now. ;-(

I shall be on again in the morning to annoy the ar5es off you all. xxxx Luv u
He's lucky am not his g.child, I would have ended his days!

Very thoughtless in these credit-crunch days! The least he could have done was to give them 1st refusal.

The charities have more for tv adverts now!

I posted this earlier: stion653311.html

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