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liverpoolfoo | 23:53 Sat 15th Nov 2008 | Crosswords
9 Answers
I think i have finished but i'm unsure on 6down answer. The clue is. Place equipment in position readty for use & i have the letters L?S?A? & the answers i have come up with are

Leseat, Lasear, Lashar, & Lestat
Can anyone please help with the right one? Thanx in advance guys


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I'm suspecting that the answer which gives you your L is wrong.

What was the clue and your answer ?
Could the 'L' be wrong?

Instal (?)
It looks like INSTAL, but that would make your 'L' wrong...
Please excuse me, liverpoolfoo...

Hi CSI - I've just ordered you from the library, & here we meet posting to an earlier thread!
Hello , your majesty...great minds etc etc
(Fools seldom etc etc)
Hello m'lady! I hope you're well on this nigh-on summery evening (well, compared to some of late!)? :-)
Just fine, Sire. hope you are also in the pink ?
I wouldn't describe it as quite summery up here in the frozen north, but it is considerably milder than it has been, and even better, dry.
(Sorry liverpoolfoo, just keeping in touch with a pal...oops, sorry, monarch)
♫Love is like a butterfly...♫

Oh, wrong monarch...drat! :-)
Nice one!

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