Scotsman Factfinder Crossword 15/08 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Scotsman Factfinder Crossword 15/08

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Mikejas | 16:13 Mon 17th Nov 2008 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Really struggling this week. Hope it's just this cold I've got and not my brain cells diminshing.

20a An alcohol radical C5 H11 (4)
19d A person who never laughs (7) ???L?S?
26a A burlesque or satirical imitation (6) ??R???
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26a parody
20a Amyl
19d Agelast
Question Author
Thanks everyone. I can maybe start getting a few more now
19d joyless or jawless take your pick
Google :Agelast (plural agelasts). one who never laughs.
So slaney is right.
You are probably correct. On the other hand it's difficult to imagine joyless people who laugh...or for that matter people without jaws.

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Scotsman Factfinder Crossword 15/08

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