Is 40 Across) Tat? ( shoddy articles,3) Think that 82 Across is Minions- makes more sense to me than the alternative Menials although it has a similar meaning. Many thanks everyone for your help- much appreciated. Ciao for now, Bea ;-)
I've put TAT for for 40 across, and have MENIALS for 82 across because I think menials are classed as being more servile because they are not of high birth like MINIONS. Don't know if that's any help, but it's the best I can come up with!
When I looked up 'servile dependants' on the reverse dictionary page of the onelook dictionary site the word minion was the first suggestion, the word menial was the forty-second suggestion so I am sticking with minions. It is up to individual opinions of course.
Yes, have also decided on minions. Thanks Katoffler + Chopswick+ hoaroak- bless you all ! Hope you are all having a super Saturday evening.
Warm wishes, Bea ;-)