If 9 down is dodecahedron, what is 11 across because Old Norse won't fit? Where have I gone wrong?
Also, 31 across: type of website that allows anyone to add or edit content ~~ (4)
27 down: study of the tansmission and control of diseases within a population ~~ (12) E???E?I?????
sodemall10, are you having a bad hair day, or are you just mean by nature?
Crosswords in general, and this site in particular, cater for the whole spectrum of experience and ability. We all had to start somewhere, so lets do our best to encourage any newcomers.
Very many thanks to you all, though I don't know know what got into sodemall10 ~~~ I do Google for lots that I don't know, so stop being so patronising. That should be the lot, now!! And thanks again; the disml response must be reaction to the disml weather!
I've got a good dictionary. Old Saxon isn't in it and neither is it in my language dictionary in the Germany section. I tried to find it on the internet without success. How can anybody call this a simple crossword?
I'm grateful for the Wiki answer as I never knew how wikipedia got its name. You're quite right, I can't spell and rely heavily on the spellcheck facility on the computer, but, in these little-box-reply-spaces neither the F7 key that I usully use for spelling, nor the spell-check-when-one-sends-an-e-mail facility works. Can anyone solve that one for me, please?
PS ~ it's good to see you back, Sarumite.
For Explorer-8
I can't understand how you fail to find Old Saxon on the Internet. When you google it, the first entry that comes up is the Wikipedia entry. Perhaps you are using a duff search engine.