Body & Soul3 mins ago
What is the required 5 letter word?
My 1st is in PARACHUTE but not in MISSILE
My 2nd is in BLITZKRIEG but not in BAZOOKA
My 3rd is in WARFARE but not in PLATOON
My 4th is in SHRAPNEL but not in AMMUNITION
My 5th is in BOMBSHELL but not in COMMANDO
I also have a connection with the above...
My 1st is in PARACHUTE but not in MISSILE
My 2nd is in BLITZKRIEG but not in BAZOOKA
My 3rd is in WARFARE but not in PLATOON
My 4th is in SHRAPNEL but not in AMMUNITION
My 5th is in BOMBSHELL but not in COMMANDO
I also have a connection with the above...
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