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ianmunt | 12:30 Sun 18th Jan 2009 | Crosswords
8 Answers
23d Asian town,one bordering a state .I have t??i,


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thanks ironmonger,never heard of it!
I can't find Tani in an atlas or a dictionary. Like ianmunt I thought the answer should be Thai but I can't fathom the wordplay.
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Since ironmonger's posting I've hunted all over,but cannot find why Tani is the answer.Can some one clarify?
How about - T(own) + Ha + i (1) (?)

Collins gives Ha (& Hi) as Hawaii
Hi Lie-in King and aHa! - that'll do nicely...all I could find was Hi for the Hawaii. I'm sure Thai is the right answer...thanks for your help! cheers, judy:o)
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Thanks Lie-in King,(have since discovered Tani is a himalayan language,) but feel your answer better
Even if it is correct, I really don't like 'T' for 'Town'...

...I stopped doing the Skeleton & Crusader because there were just too many daft clues! (IMHO)

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S express Skeleton

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