Spectator Crossword 1898 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Spectator Crossword 1898

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oldenburg | 15:21 Mon 26th Jan 2009 | Crosswords
12 Answers
Why can't I see the answer to 21D?
'Best compiler (say) with humming-bird'
Help very welcome
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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TOPAZ TOP=best AZ for AZED a crossword complier TOPAZ = humming bird
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Bless you!
Hi again from the antipodes
Not having a hard copy of Brewer or of 10 D's famous work, I have had to discover the 22s online. Bearing in mind TOPAZ is the answer to 21 D, this leaves me with PRONAE? for 31 A. I know that 10 D changed the spelling of many of the 22s from original Greek sources - the only similar name I can find is PRONOE. While I'm at it, can someone please confirm that I have got appropriate spellings of DOTO, MENIPPE, MELITE, HIPPOTHOE, EULIMENE, EIONE, PANOPAE, EUDORE and NESAEA.

Any help appreciated.

27 D would help also as I have only R?? (see above query on 31 A)

I have TEETERED for 43 A, but can't quite see the wordplay here.


The relevant list of nereids is at the end of Book IV Canto XI of the Faerie Queen:

http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~rbear/queene4.htm l#Cant.%20XI.
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43A A Teetee is a monkey .
I struggled with the theme because my Brewer's (1977) only lists 3 names & no copy in the local library (!) or bookshop.
Googling 'Edmund Spenser Online' helped. My list matches crucifernz with Pronaea for 31A following DocHH's kind assistance with 21D.
Thanks very much Growf for the link to Spenser text. I found a few analyses of The Faerie Queen online, but didn't manage to get to a full text.
Re novices and newbies, don't knock them. I'm by no means a novice to cryptic crosswords, having learnt how to do them indirectly from my mother when I was little more than knee high. I've only been doing the Spectator online for a few months - the wonders of the Internet - and find it the most challenging but worthwhile of all (notwithstanding my book of The Times Listener which quite frankly turns my brain cells to mush). I have done lots of Times Cryptics, Mephistos, Araucarias etc, and have worked up an electronic stash of over 100 historical Spectator Xwds - due to AnswerBank's useful links and the Spectator's former practice of dating the PDF files. So novices, practice makes perfect - or nearly!
From the not-a-novice!
I've got one last clue which is stumping me.
For 27 D I have RA? (3 letters) - Boost to crime
Could it be RAP as in rap-sheet or is there a crime with the abbreviation RAH, or could it even be RAM?
Help appreciated so I can post to UK.
Didn't hear from anyone, but I decided that RAP must be the answer as it popped up as a CRIME synonym in a past Speccie.
And dear fellow solvers, I have just discovered that I am a runner up in Spectator 1896 - Reprimand. Imagine my delight!

Many congratulations crucifernz - you will soon have the latest version of Chambers!

Agree RAP..double definition.
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Well done Marianne!
My well-thumbed Chambers is falling to pieces but I'm having a long wait for my entry to come 'out of the hat'.
And yes, I too have RAP - but not entirely happy.
I have opted for the $$$ (GBP20 to you) as I'm on the other side of the world. The latest Chambers would be useful but I'll just have to keep relying on Chambers Online and other web sources.
1899 - Headers looks interesting! I haven't got my head around the 'hidden consecutive jumble' format yet, but no doubt I will. If not, will be posting for help. Apparently I can keep sending entries and am not banned from winning again! The odds are far lower than winning Lotto!

Marianne (Auckland, New Zealand)

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