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A Mystery by Schadenfreude

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magistra | 11:24 Thu 19th Feb 2009 | Crosswords
24 Answers
Has anyone else doing this found 11 (not 10) extra letters in the grid? More details supplied if anyone knows what I'm talking about!


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It rings a bell.

Which crossword is this? When and where did it appear
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In the Cam magazine (Cambridge University)
Not an answer for you magistra, but a thank you.

I've been binning these for years ( having long since given up sending them on to their intended recipients) without realising they contain a crossword!

Something to look forward to to-morrow.
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this is the 1st time there's been a crossword in the mag, and it's a real stinker! Good luck!
I think it's a case of CAM catching up with the Oxford equivalent, which has had a Listener-style crossword (usually with an Oxford theme) for a long time. I've not gone back to the story to which Schadenfreude's offering refers to check whether there's a Cambridge link in it.
That kept me out of mischief for a while!

All done except for not sure of the full wordplay for 11d
( pre-alteration).
I have only 10 extra letters.
Slaney, 11d is just two letters.
What a wonderful crossword! I, too have just 10 extra letters. Slaney, pre alteration 11d is 2 letters long.
Question Author
glad to have stirred up so much interest in this amazing crossword. I don't understand how 11d can be only 2 letters long pre-alteration and be fitted into the 6 squares provided, thus giving 4 extra letters for this clue alone. Or am I missing the point entirely?I have extra letters in 4d(N), 16a(S/R or D), 18a(Y or S), 19a (C), 14d (I), 25a(A), 20d(S), 24d(F), 34a(A), 29d (B), 22d(O). I've still not solved 5a, 11d, 32d, 39a, 41d.
Many thanks for help so far.
magistra, you have to be a bit careful over the missing letters. The ten cases are ones in which the definition leads to an answer with the length given in brackets at the end of the clue, but the worplay has one letter missing. Other entries may require special treatment.

The missing four letters in 11d are the title.
Question Author
how does this apply to eg: 19a, where an also-ran (def) is a loser (s+role anag.), but to make a 6-letter word I have to add C at the start? I#m obviously missing something crucial. I'm away for the weekend, but will check my mail when I get back. Thanks for your help.
Thanks AHearer and copelander...I had convinced myself that the unchecked letter had to be part of the wordplay.

magistra, you are correct with 19a which is part of the special treatment alluded to by AHearer
Magistra, I have extra letters in 13a,21a,25a,27a,,37a,10d,14d.28d,29d and38d. The other length discrepencies are in the clues needing special treatment as alluded to by AHearer.
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at last! the penny has dropped! I still haven't solved all the clues, but I think I've now got the idea that the words in the title are to be found in the grid as extra letters. My next question is: do the letters of the name and title appear in normal reading order in the grid, or are they scattered around as anagrams?
Would appreciate some clue or assistance with 5 across

- Old car for Jock to drive on deserted volcanic island.

Any help gratefully received.
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I've got -OMINI-A-, and am thinking along the lines of Dominica(N).
The latest equivalent in the Oxford version of CAM (Oxford Today) attempts to put Cambridge in its place!
5a Dominica
Hi Magistra
You and I seem to be following the same line of thought Dominica is a volcanic island and obviously a mini is an old car and possibly do can or can do could be drive

My problem and I suppose I am being less than smart is where does Jock fit in?
D(eserted) + O(ld) + MINI + CA

Ca' is a Scottish word meaning to drive.
So "for Jock to drive" = CA

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A Mystery by Schadenfreude

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