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cryptic crossword

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neidin | 18:26 Wed 25th Feb 2009 | Crosswords
6 Answers
1. About to have drinks all round and qualls..(6)
2.One has two novices riding? it's hopeless! (3,2) article in latin translated into another language (7)


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3. Italian . . . . anag: 1 a Latin
2. a LL + up (riding)
. . . to clarify, up, on horseback; "All up" = no hope
1. 'Qualls' fails spell check, please repeat Q. Thanks, ja
Question Author
1. About to have drinks all round and qualls...(6) thats the exact question .
I have the following letters
Hope this helps
1. Thanks for reply neidin . . . .

winCes . . . . C(irca) = 'about', + 'wines' around
To wince is to shrink or quail . . . Looks like printing error.

Good Luck, ja

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