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why do women have to nag so much?

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screamer123 | 20:35 Fri 27th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
Admit it ladies, you nag!
Yes you do and it drives us men crazy.
Spoke to 2 friends tonight and they both have trouble with nagging wives. Driving them around the bend and when they pack up bags & off it gives you all the more ammo to whine. So why do you do it???
Just what the f***k do you want from a fella, eh?


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If men behaved themselves and did as they were told, no woman'd nag! : )
Mind you, I'm not guilty of it - seriously no need to,
nagging is when the woman is fed up of being ignored about whatever issue the nagging is addressing. you create the nagging by ignoring the problem
The truth is some of us men like doing exactly what we choose,drinking,womanising,drugs,staying away from home for weeks at a time while having your phone switched off. Now if you give up your manhood by doing everything they tell you to,eventually you become her little bitch and eventually she'll leave you for a more manly man that drinks,stays out etc.. WE DONT WIN!
If a man is in a forest and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still WRONG???
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""nagging is when the woman is fed up of being ignored about whatever issue the nagging is addressing. you create the nagging by ignoring the problem""

So what is the male equilevant then??
Y do men gossip to each other about home/personal matters?
In my experience.. men have to be told something 3 times before it finally perculates through! that rule applies to boys as well, but each 'nag' had to get a tad louder for boys..
the male equivelent is leaving the woman to deal with all the problems
Does a 'real' man wear a pink shirt?

A real man wears what his wife tells him to wear.


If men actually listened to us there would be no need to repeatedly remind them to do stuff.
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Cobblers Cazzz
I don't nag. Mainly cos I couldn't give a sh!t what my other half does - as long as I get the same in return.
not cobblers screamer, why does a grown man have to be nagged at like a teenager to get things done?

not very manly or grown up is it...
mr mum feels uncomfortable if I don't nag- he thinks there's something wrong with me. hippyhoppy I know exactly where you're coming from with a household of 3 males. Men have selective hearing-it's a well known fact.
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""not cobblers screamer, why does a grown man have to be nagged at like a teenager to get things done?""
Exactly... you treat men like kiddies
I don't nag - if I want something done I'll ask once then do it myself. Men like that even less in my experience
You're wrong squillakid.
A woman only leaves a man if he's not a decent guy in the first place.
screamer -do you actually have a better half or are you just campaigning on behalf of your mates?
act like a grown up then ;D

its about having respect, you have to earn it, if she does her share then you should do your share, if everyone is happy then the nagging should subside
It's an inbuilt thing that women have, it's not their fault, they are born like that, It's baffled scientists for thousands of years, and still nobody has the answer.
If I had nagged my old man for the last 36 years he would have piddled off long ago .You can make your point without nagging at somebody .It's called talking to one another and a bit of give and take .

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