Coming to a close now...Need a bit of help still...some hints and verification,,,Please! ACROSS: 6. Recover fine tomato sauce unopened( 7, 2 words): P?T???P 24.State of area behind Tennyson's home(4): GO?A 27. Bird no longer catches large fish ( 4 ): MOLA? ( If yes, how?) 36. Reduced senior ministers had lived in a hut(7): C?AIM?D ( CLAIMED? If yes, how?) DOWN 6. POUNDAGE or POUNDALS? 12. Raucously rioting, ignoring coy saint ( 6 ) U?S?L? (URSULA?...How? ) 26. Goddess, 33 and English( 6 ): ?E???E ( Helene?) 31."Dinner" perhaps prepared with spirit(6): ?LAR?M ( ALARUM ? How?) 35. C?IN? ( COINS ? ) Thanks for any assistance offered!
6 fetch up
31 A la rum
35 Coins .yes
6 Fountain (three COINS in a FOUNTAIN )
12 Yes Ursula .Take COY out of raucously
36 Cabined
26 Hecate
24 Iowa ..(Isle of Wight +A (Tennyson's home is on the IOW)
Many thanks, baitress and shaneystar2! Now I understand the wordplay perfectly! Baitress, 6 ACROSS has to be "fetch up"! I am left with 2 more to complete this one:
33ACROSS: What chimes at noon (3 ): TO?
34 DOWN: Irish county's boundless lake(5): ?N?GA ( ONEGA? ...Why?)
Thanks, Kayakamina! Interesting wordplay for34. 33 Across is somewhat more difficult to fathom, though. I shall be going over this puzzle to study the wordplay...It has been a good learning experience for me!
DocHH, I just took a break from writing some poetry to look at the equation and I have: N0. of obols in a maneh X N0. of men in a boat + N0. of omers in a homer + N0. of coins in a fountain = ....I suspect that I have to arrive at 1903! Let me know if I am on the right track! Many thanks!